About us
Blackley & North Manchester Athletics Club (B&NMAC) is a local athletics and running club based in Blackley, Manchester, which has been operating for over 30 years to offer opportunities for anyone to partake in all things athletics!

Run, Jump, Throw with Coach Kate!

Can you help?
Our dedicated and experienced team is always evolving and growing to provide fun athletic sessions for people in Blackley and surrounding areas. If you are interested in getting involved, let's have a chat and we can support you in a role at a capacity of your choosing. Speak with any member of our team and they will guide you in the right direction.

The Coaches
The coaching team includes experienced and newly-qualified individuals, with specialties including endurance, disability, and combined events:

Event Group Endurance Coach and Athletics Throws Coach: Danny
Athletics Coach (Combined Events): Katy
Athletics Coach (Endurance): Mike
Coaching Assistants: Chris, Elaine, Sam, Suzie
Coaching Helpers: Barbara, Grant, Pat

Our sessions
Our coaches will help athletes build an understanding of track awareness and etiquette, as well as safe practice in all events, so that all attending athletes can train in a safe environment and develop their skills effectively.
We incorporate running, jumping, and throwing elements into our sessions for all-around development of athletic ability.
We coach sprinting, middle- and long-distance running, as well as introduce athletes to technical events such as hurdles, shot put, long jump, etc.
For beginners and non-beginners, we also embed other elements of training such as fundamentals (agility, balance, co-ordination), strength & conditioning, and plyometric exercises into our sessions.
We provide opportunities for all to compete in Track & Field events, cross-country, and Sportshall (see Events section)

Track Rules
Below are some of the track rules that all members must follow for safe practice:
  • Lanes 1 & 2 are for endurance running (over 400m)
  • Lanes 3–8 are for short sprints (100m and under)
  • Lanes 1–6 are for long sprints (between 100m and 400m) only when no endurance runners are on the track (otherwise lanes 3–6)
  • Walkers should remain on the outskirts of the track
  • The D area can be used for games or warming up/cooling down
  • Do not cross the in-field when people are throwing
  • If you hear someone shout "Track!", there's an incoming runner so please move to one side so they can overtake safely
  • Coaches should check if the track is clear for long sprints and give warning prior to setting off athletes
  • Be mindful of other people using the facilities and avoid blocking lanes or moving equipment without a coach's permission
  • Check your lane is clear before attempting to run (senior athletes)
  • Always check if a lane or runway is clear before crossing
  • Follow the corresponding codes of conduct (found here)
  • Coaches will give further intructions and rules during each session
  • Only carry equipment as shown by a coach
  • Only attempt to throw an implement with permission/instruction from a coach
  • Only collect thrown implements when a coach gives permission
  • Only attempt a jump with permission/instruction from a coach
  • Coaches will give further intructions and rules during each session